
1. 「我只是在幫你媽量體溫」   溫度計會不會太大根了一點?   2. 「我只是在用我的量油計測量媽媽的油量夠不夠,你知道就像跟車子一樣」 廣告1   3. 「我女兒以為我們在吵架,所以我們還假裝和好」   4. 「我告訴我們的孩子我們在吵說誰可以先洗澡,現在我們都會鎖門了

May 7, 2016

1. 「我只是在幫你媽量體溫」

We all know kids aren’t the best at keeping a closed door closed. However, just because they catch you doing the dirty, it doesn’t mean they’re ready for the sex talk just yet. Here are some of the weirdest “sexcuses” parents have given their youngsters when they walk in on adult time.


2. 「我只是在用我的量油計測量媽媽的油量夠不夠,你知道就像跟車子一樣」

052ec0fc8f676621eaf599e8c6e1cbd8664e09 v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


3. 「我女兒以為我們在吵架,所以我們還假裝和好」

052ec11e069ba2140d76827467674fc15953fe v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


4. 「我告訴我們的孩子我們在吵說誰可以先洗澡,現在我們都會鎖門了」

052ec13ab316c7f7207ae039880562a23acfeb v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


5. 「我們在變一個叫做『消失的香腸』的魔術」

052ec182425ae9de1ca3c74f29a3a5af3f881b v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


6. 「我們正在享受一個心靈上的冒險旅程」

052ec18b76a0adb8c751a2f51236e79cad8854 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


7. 「當時我老公在上面,然後兒子問:『爸,媽在哪?』,然後老公說:『你有趣廚房找找看嗎?』」

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8. 「當時上帝在找媽媽而我在拉住她,那就是為什麼她一直喊『上帝啊!』」

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9. 「奶奶打電話過來說想要另一個孫子女」

052ec6733197f2ea7cd29572bb541adbb5e3f3 v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


10. 「我女兒當時4歲,我跟他說我在做伏地挺身而爸爸在幫我」

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11. 「爸爸被毒蛇咬到我在幫他把毒給吸出來」

052ec30c826e1dc901090d43c14655ca6d4c09 v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


12. 「跟我們5歲兒子說我們抱在一起太熱所以把衣服都脫掉了」

052ec3bb8d42d4bf4a3e4aa710049852a7dde9 v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


13. 「爸爸媽媽在玩騎馬馬~」

052ec3e9eda38b6eb9613cd07ab1bb3a56601f v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


14. 「我們在玩摔角但你不能跟我們玩,現在是我們玩摔角的時間。」

052ec4beb323f78448e0a4f274a644f0c24fc1 v5 wm Parents reveal their excuses for when their kids catch them having sex (15 Photos)


15. 「我只是在你媽體內找東西」

Via Whisper


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