在美國佛州邁阿密的ZWF動物園 (Zoological Wildlife Foundation) 前陣子在臉書上PO出一段感人的影片。有一隻黑猩猩Limbani,牠在出生時因為黑猩猩媽媽肋骨斷了3根,導致無法哺乳,這讓Limbani被自己的媽媽棄養,讓牠只能靠自己求生。
沒多久一對夫妻喬治和塔尼亞 (Jorge and Tania) 發現了Limbani的狀況,因此決定協助照顧牠,打算飼養到牠長大足以自己在野外生活之後,再讓牠回歸大自然,不然Limbani很有可能就這樣在野外中死去。
The pure excitement and joy when Limbani sees our close friends can only be appreciated if watched and heard. @misstyflower and her husband,Jorge, who helped us raise and take on full around the clock care for the first few months of his life. Limbani, who was born with pneumonia was rejected by the mother. Without human intervention and modern medicine he wouldn’t been here today. Tania and Jorge can go without seeing him for a couple months and his reaction is always the same. Limbani by far is the most loved of the entire ZWF family #humanlike #almosthuman #limbani #criticallyendangered #ape #intelligence #enrichment #nature_perfection #notpets #zwfmiami #zwf @limbanizwf
由 Zoological Wildlife Foundation 發佈於 2018年6月17日 星期日