這段影片由男孩的媽媽Nicole Mojica上傳,她說當時自己的6歲兒子Timmy在後院跟鱷魚玩具玩耍,媽媽於是拍下兒子開心的身影,卻沒想到回家剪片時,才發現了非常危險的一刻…
Can you spot the real gator? He sees us for sure!! Look closely…. OMG!!! It ran down my slip and slide! Please Share for Awareness. They are every where now #matingseason #Gators #Floridalife #slipandslide #Itwaswatchingtheholetime
由 Nicole Mojica 發佈於 2018年6月4日 星期一
A gator wanted to play with us today!! Never in my life have I been so scared. This thing was watching us the whole time from the side of my house and it ran down my slip and slide into the pond. Now its just sitting there looking. I was making a fun video of Timmy playing with a blow up gator. The WHOLE time we had this unwated guest watching us. OMG!! Ava screamed so bad
由 Nicole Mojica 發佈於 2018年6月4日 星期一