美國南卡羅來納州狗狗古比 (Gumby),被人發現在街頭上流浪後,被送到當地一家領養動物中心。由於古比又帥又健康,他很快就被人收養了。但是,他的第一次收養只維持了3天,第二次只維持了6天。這兩年間,他不斷被認養、回到領養中心,當中有8次是被收養家庭送回來的,有3次是在街頭被發現的。
Gumby is a hero to sick kittens!
Gumby gives back! Remember Gumby the white hound who returned to the shelter 11 times and now is our play group King? Well he is now a blood donor for kittens with eye infections! We draw his blood every two weeks extract the white blood cells from his blood and administer to the kittens eyes! (Healing eye drops) The serum from his blood has healing properties! Opie will heal faster #adoptatcas #Gumby Want to help more kittens and dogs like Gumby? DONATE HERE! https://www.charlestonanimalsociety.org/facebook-donation/
Posted by Charleston Animal Society on 2016年6月4日