
这两名18岁男生Benjamin Luke Dyess 还有 Shemar Gyce在秋天的时候是在同个大学 (东德州Baptist大学) 的历史课同学。他们表示自己没有每次都上课睡觉,但是挺常发生的… 廣告1   为什么会被问到这个问题呢?因为有一天同学拍到了这张经典的照片!当时Luke表示她真

May 13, 2017

这两名18岁男生Benjamin Luke Dyess 还有 Shemar Gyce在秋天的时候是在同个大学 (东德州Baptist大学) 的历史课同学。他们表示自己没有每次都上课睡觉,但是挺常发生的…

'I’d like to say I didn’t always sleep in that class — but it was a pretty boring class,' Luke told BuzzFeed News.Shemar also admitted to BuzzFeed News that he slept in the class on more than one occasion.


为什么会被问到这个问题呢?因为有一天同学拍到了这张经典的照片!当时Luke表示她真的超累,上课根本没办法专心,而且Shemar 很明显的也一样太累,Luke说当时没有安排好,对方根本没问就直接把头靠上来,但那时太累了,所以心想「算了,随便啦!」

Luke, the base of the nap, was incredibly sleepy that day, he told BuzzFeed News. 'I know I was super exhausted,' he said. He said that the sleeping arrangement was not verbally coordinated. 'I don’t think he asked. I think he just laid down on my head and I just felt it and it was like you know what — I don’t care.'Shemar recalled being similarly tired, he said that he had an early class before that one. 'I don’t like history, so it was kind of just like — I had to do it,' he said. Like Luke, he said that the napping position was reached spontaneously.




拍到这张经典照片的是19岁在一旁快笑死的Roger Stand。他其实认识这两位,然后也决定将这经典照片PO上网。网友们笑说:「这让我好开心,怎么会这么刚好!」、「我支持他们!一起睡!」、「他们不认识对方?!」、「太好笑了吧?」、「我今天看过最爆笑的事情!」等等。

'I looked over to my right and I looked over at that,' he said.


比较好的是,Shemar (比较上面的那位) 先醒来,能想像如果是下面的醒来的话,可能真的会更尴尬吧?

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