
37歲脫北者李晛瑞,在1997年趁鴨綠江結冰時,一個人跨越邊境逃到中國,經過無數困難後居住在韓國。2013年,她在TED大會的演講引起巨大回響,讓她的遭遇受到國際重視。   李晛瑞在2015年出版了自傳《擁有七個名字的女孩:一個北韓叛逃者的真實故事》,跟全球民眾分享她在

April 21, 2017


Embracing the West: Hyeonseo Lee, now 37, escaped North Korea as a teenager in an astonishingly daring mission through China. She says the despotic leader would 'certainly' launch his deadly arsenal as a last stand if he faced defeat at the hands of the US



Bestseller: Hyeonseo Lee's account of her experience has been read all over the world



Behind the curtain: Hyeonseo Lee cuddles into her mother in a picture taken inside North Korea when she was just a toddler. It is the only image that exists from her childhood inside the world's most secretive state 



6d. Mom and aunt (c) Hyeonseo Lee.jpg



Agony: Hyeonseo Lee told MailOnline she has no doubt that the deranged dictator Kim Jong-un will use weapons. 'At the very last minute, when he finds out that he's going to lose all his power he's definitely going to use it. There's a slogan in North Korea which goes: 'America dies, we die, we all die together'.



Escape from hell: Years after escaping through China by pretending to be Chinese and passing stringent tests on its history and culture, Hyeonseo helped her mother and brother to escape in an extraordinary feat of bravery 



New home: Hyeonseo brought her mother through China by pretending they were deaf and dumb to fool border guards. Astonishingly she succeeded only to face huge hurdles when she got them to Laos, pictured above, where they were detained by local police



Public execution:  Hyeonseo has described being forced to watch a public execution aged just seven when a man was being strangled. What frightened me the most was the huge crowd. I was too young to really know what was going on but I was scared'. Pictured: North Korean special forces soldiers march and shout slogans during a military parade marking the 105th birth anniversary of country's founding father, Kim Il Sung last week 



New life: From the safety of her new home in the South Korean capital of Seoul, where she has lived for eight years, Hyeonseo says her former compatriots are tricked into believing Kim commands the most powerful military force on earth



Safe at last: 'I'd see dead bodies on the street by day and nights were a black hole,' she said of her young life in North Korea. 'We always had power shortages in the country.' Pictured: Hyeonseo above with her mother



Journey of desperation: In 1997, aged just 17, Hyeonseo trekked alone across the frozen Yalu River into China where she lived with distant relatives as an illegal immigrant for ten years before entering South Korea as refugee



So brave: Hyeonseo risked being executed by venturing back into North Korea to rescue her mother, who lives with her in Seoul, and brother who is studying at Columbia University in New York



Kindness: Unable to afford the bribes to get them out, she was out of options until she was approached by and Australian man named Dick Stolp, above with Hyeonseo, who paid for their release. Pictured: North Korean women work in front of a building in Hyesan



Deprived: Looking back on her life and miraculous escape from oppression, Hyeonseo says she is embarrassed of her home country. Pictured: A North Korean woman carries water she collected from the Yalu river



Left behind: Hyeonseo openly regards the country of her birth as the 'most horrible on earth' and its people the most brainwashed. Pictured: Two young girls play on the streets of North Korea



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