
1. 想一大早起來就精神抖擻?入手這個紅外線手槍鬧鐘吧!絕對能夠滿足大家想把鬧鐘射爆的慾望!(誤)   2. 講完鬧鐘,當然是為大家介紹舒適無比的床!這個鳥巢床可以讓你化身小鳥,在鳥巢裡睡爽爽! 廣告1   3. 鳥巢還不夠?也許你可以試試看這個巨蛋!可以放鬆你的心靈

March 12, 2017

1. 想一大早起來就精神抖擻?入手這個紅外線手槍鬧鐘吧!絕對能夠滿足大家想把鬧鐘射爆的慾望!(誤)

Wake up to the sound of the most extra alarm clock in existence, because you know what they say: Simulated gunfire is the perfect start to any day!


2. 講完鬧鐘,當然是為大家介紹舒適無比的床!這個鳥巢床可以讓你化身小鳥,在鳥巢裡睡爽爽!

Get out of your bird’s nest bed, which allows you to wake up feeling like a beautiful crow each morning!


3. 鳥巢還不夠?也許你可以試試看這個巨蛋!可以放鬆你的心靈、除掉你的疲憊喔。

Actually, maybe you wake up in your eggceptionally eggstra egg of relaxation.


4. 除了提高睡眠素質,沐浴也能讓身心放鬆!這個設備可以讓你在家也可以享受日光浴,不用外出就能曬出健康膚色!

Either way, hop in the shower for a nice tanning sesh that definitely won't cause health and safety issues!


5. 這個噴嘴可以製造出小噴泉,沒有杯子也可以輕鬆漱口!

And there’s this nozzle for those who want to create a water fountain/rinsing station in their bathroom.


6. 梳洗完後,就來到穿衣了!它不但是燙衣板,也可以當作鏡子使用,真的是太方便啦!

Getting ready is too easy with this ironing board that doubles as a mirror!


7. 早餐的話,這個烤麵包機不但可以讓你清楚看見吐司烤成怎樣,光擺在桌上就已經像一個藝術品了!

For breakfast, break out this toaster, which will ensure your toast has a nice view.


8. 早餐當然要搭配咖啡!來看看這個神奇杯墊,它也可以當作行動電源使用喔!

Then enjoy a nice cup of coffee that charges your phone and poses absolutely no electrical hazards.


9. 最近都在下雨,如果咖啡喝不完,手又騰不出來,用這個雨傘就最合適了!

Time to bring your extravagance to the real world. Don’t worry if you’re incapable of holding something while it rains because there’s this:


10. 如果你是一個很容易餓的人,這個比薩袋子說不定是一個不錯的選擇?

Or if you’re someone who physically needs to eat every two hours to survive, you have your pizza slice carrier, which will not cause people to give you concerned looks.


11. 上課或開會時想偷偷睡覺的話,這個眼睛貼紙可以讓你看起來醒著!


12. 不想再獨單一人?這個自拍神器可以讓別人都羨慕到不行!

Or pseudo-social with this selfie stick.


13. 等不及到夏天去海邊大玩特玩?這個吊床+木筏可以一次滿足你兩個願望!

It’s time for some you time. Maybe head to the nearest body of water and break out your sturdy hammock-raft hybrid.


14. 不想外出的人,推薦這個放在家裡用的吊床給你!

Or stay home and take a load off in this totally comfortable, not-dangerous-at-all hammock.


15. 或者是這個多用途桌子?在家就可以享受幾種娛樂設施!

Or just play a nice game of pool at this table that no one would call you a douche for owning.


16. 飲料太重怎麼辦?這個小工具就能幫你解決問題!

And you'll never spill your drink with this roll-and-pour contraption, which guarantees “the perfect pour” every time.


17. 想很酷地喝飲料的話,入手這個吸睛度爆表的吸管吧!

And once you’ve achieved the perfect pour, use this to achieve the perfect sip:


18. 做菜時不想切到手指,這個假手也許可以為你上戰場?

Now for dinner. You can use this to avoid the peril of chopping onions:


19. 不想冰淇淋再被兄弟姐妹偷吃了!試試看這個冰淇淋鎖吧!

And for dessert, you KNOW you’ve got ice cream on lock in the freezer.


20. 想很屌地轉台?這個魔杖遙控器使你化身哈利波特,用魔法控制電視!

Devour your ice cream as you watch TV on the couch, flipping through channels with your wand.


21. 最後,這個好像未來科技的膠囊可以讓你超爽地躺在水上,讓你的壓力一秒不見!

And, finally, end the night by treating yourself to a relaxing, closed-off bath that you definitely won’t drown in!



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