
1. 冬天時在皮膚上塗上薄薄一層嬰兒油可以避免凍瘡。   2. 嬰兒油也可以當成卸妝替代品,避免危險的化學物質靠近你的眼睛。 廣告1   3. 油漆沾到手上也可以輕易地靠嬰兒油去除。   4. 用毛巾沾幾滴嬰兒油去除彩繪刺青。 廣告2   5. 泡澡時在水中滴上幾滴嬰兒油,可以讓

January 25, 2016

1. 冬天時在皮膚上塗上薄薄一層嬰兒油可以避免凍瘡。

Put a thin layer of the oil on any exposed skin during the winter -- it will prevent frostbite.


2. 嬰兒油也可以當成卸妝替代品,避免危險的化學物質靠近你的眼睛。

Avoid harsh chemicals near your eyes by removing makeup with the oil.


3. 油漆沾到手上也可以輕易地靠嬰兒油去除。

Rub paint-covered hands with some baby oil to remove it in no time.


4. 用毛巾沾幾滴嬰兒油去除彩繪刺青。

Remove temporary tattoos simply by rubbing them with a washcloth and a few drops of the oil


5. 泡澡時在水中滴上幾滴嬰兒油,可以讓你在出浴後全身超光滑,而不會乾乾的。

Add some of the oil to your next bubble bath and come out feeling silky-smooth, not prune-y.


6. 下次口香糖不小心黏到頭髮上不用再把頭髮剪掉,只要將嬰兒油附著在上一陣子就會脫落了。

Don't resort to cutting your hair if you get gum in it -- just apply some oil, let it sit for a few minutes, and brush it out.


7. 嬰兒油也可以有效改善乾燥的後腳跟。

Rub baby oil onto cracked heels daily and your feet will feel so smooth in just a few days.


8. 項鍊打結了打不開?滴幾滴嬰兒油後,使用牙籤解開就可以了!

Untangle a cherished necklace by placing a drop on the trouble spot and using a toothpick to work out the knot.


9. 使用嬰兒油刮毛不僅能避免刮傷,還能夠一邊刮毛一邊達到保濕的效果。

If you shave with baby oil not only will it prevent nicks and cuts, it'll also moisturize along the way.


10. 使用嬰兒油拯救拉不動的項鍊。

Dab a drop or two on a stuck zipper and it'll move along in moments.


11. 將嬰兒油滴在生鏽的門鎖上,開門時就不會再發出惱人的聲響了。

Got a squeaky door hinge? Apply some baby oil to stop the annoying sound.


12. 塗指甲油的時候可以先在指甲邊緣的手指塗抹一些嬰兒油,這樣就算不小心塗到手指也能輕易地去除。

If you're doing an at-home manicure, rub some oil around your nails. You can wipe away any polish mistakes at the end.


13. 嬰兒可以使用嬰兒油按摩,大人當然也可以囉!

If it's a good massage oil for babies, it's a good one for grown-ups, too!


14. 耳屎太硬挖不出來的人,可以用一點點嬰兒油滴到耳朵內,讓耳屎軟化。

Apply a few drops of oil in your ear to soften wax buildup.


15. 嬰兒油也能夠用來替木製傢具打亮。

A gentle but effective wooden furniture polish, you can buff pieces with baby oil.


16. 一茶匙的嬰兒油加上一茶匙的糖再加上一茶匙檸檬汁是很好的護唇用品。

Mix a teaspoon of the oil with one half teaspoon of sugar and some drops of lemon juice -- use that as a lip scrub nightly!


17. 在浴室牆上塗上薄薄一層嬰兒油就能避免皂垢形成。

Prevent soap scum buildup by coating your shower walls with a thin layer of the oil.


18. 撕掉OK蹦的時候很痛吧?但是其實只要塗上嬰兒油後再撕掉就不會痛囉!

Can't stand the pain when you take off Band-Aids? Coat it with oil, let it sit, and it'll come off when you pull it.

來源:Viral Nova


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