
1.自製一個狗狗專屬吊床,讓親愛的毛小孩乘車之旅更舒適、安全~   2. 口臭多是由舌頭上的細菌所引起,想要治好寵物的壞口氣,就只需將狗牙膏塗一些在皮棉刷上,再讓你的狗狗舔一舔就好啦! 廣告1   就是指這種喔~   3. 除了讓愛犬舔狗牙膏,也能在他們的食物裡加點香

September 21, 2015


Make your own doggie hammock for safer and more comfortable car trips.

2. 口臭多是由舌頭上的細菌所引起,想要治好寵物的壞口氣,就只需將狗牙膏塗一些在皮棉刷上,再讓你的狗狗舔一舔就好啦!

Most bad breath comes from the tongue. To cure it, put some dog toothpaste on a lint brush and then let your dog lick it up.




3. 除了讓愛犬舔狗牙膏,也能在他們的食物裡加點香菜 (巴西利),提升口腔的清新氣息。

Or, add some parsley to their food for even fresher breath.


4. 如果狗狗身上總有令人難受的臭味,只需混合一瓶雙氧水、1/4杯的小蘇打以及兩茶匙的液體肥皂,就能做出一塊能打擊臭味的超級肥皂!

If your dog gets on the wrong end of a skunk, then you can create an amazing concoction to beat the stink. Mix a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, one quarter cup of baking soda, and two teaspoons of liquid soap to make a soap that will get rid of the smell.


5. 外頭邊打雷邊下雨時,你的寶貝毛小孩害怕的其實不是轟隆隆的雷聲,而是不喜歡聚集在他們毛上的靜電反應!此時可以利用烘衣紙擦擦他們,此舉不僅能把靜電擦掉,也能起安慰作用喔~

During a lightning storm, the chances are that your dog is more afraid of the static build up in their coat than the noise. Brush them down with dryer sheets to get rid of the static and comfort them.

6. 在夏天能為他們做一個結冰蛋糕,蛋糕液體由雞湯構成,裡面冰了玩具、胡蘿蔔、蘋果、骨頭等,全都倒在蛋糕模型裡冰起來就大功告成了!他們一定都超愛舔的~

Make an ice lick this summer by freezing toys, carrots, apples, bones and chicken broth into a cake mold or ice cube tray.

7. 你的狗狗大便情況正常嗎?是否有拉太多會完全大不出來的情形發生呢?雞肉和米飯能舒緩過度的腸胃蠕動,南瓜罐頭則能解決便秘問題喔~

Is your puppy pooping too much or not at all? Chicken and rice will settle a stomach while canned pumpkin aids with constipation.

8. 浴室裡存放淋浴用品的小鐵架,也能用來收納寵物用品喔!

A shower caddy can be used to store your dog supplies.

9. 如果想去除他們身上惱人也惱狗的蝨子,能在棉球上沾些液體肥皂,在狗狗身上出現蝨子的地方擦個幾秒鐘就好囉!

To remove ticks, apply liquid soap to a cotton ball and swab the tick for a few seconds.

10. 這可憐、可愛又好笑的情況可能不常見…不過記得小蘇打糊能紓緩蜂螫!

Baking soda paste can help with bee stings.

11. 10種對狗狗來說非常毒的食物:酒精、巧克力、大蒜、發芽馬鈴薯、糖、桃子/杏桃核仁、洋蔥、葡萄/葡萄乾、蘑菇、發酵麵糰。

Know what types of food to avoid.

12. 看不懂他們的肢體語言?有這張表就夠了!


13. 如果家裡的狗狗愛亂咬東西,尤其是昂貴難修、又容易發生危險的電線時,最好立刻制止他!你可以先在紙巾上噴一點狗狗討厭味道的噴霧,再用它擦在電線上,這樣狗狗一聞到就避之唯恐不及啦~

Teething pups love to destroy cords - this can cost a fortune and is extremely dangerous. To help break the habit, use bitter apple spray onto a paper towel and then wipe your cords with it, dogs hate the taste.

14. 地毯上卡了很多寵物的毛嗎?快用橡膠刮刀把毛毛都刮掉吧~

You can easily remove pet hair from your carpet with a squeegee.


15. 橡膠刮刀用來清汽車座椅也很實用~

They also work great on car seats.

16. 在你的運動褲裡沒有口袋嗎?沒關係,有帶狗出門就夠了~牽繩鉤環就是你最好的放鑰匙場所!

No pockets in your running shorts but have a dog? Here’s the best place for your keys.

17. 你也可以讓狗狗擁有一個新職業:移動開瓶器。

You can also convert your dog into a mobile bottle opener.

18. 在寵物碗周遭用粉筆畫出一個範圍,讓螞蟻不敢靠近。因為螞蟻不會走過粉筆線,這會干擾他們留下味道路徑的能力。

Draw a chalk line around your pet's food and water bowls if kept outside. Ants won’t cross a chalk line because it interferes with their ability to follow scent trails left by other ants.


19. 如果你的狗吃飯吃太快,那就在他的食物碗裡放進一顆球。

If your dog eats too fast, put a ball in with the food. Your dog will be forced to move the ball around to get to the food, slowing them down.

20. 熟悉愛狗喜歡的口味,你也可以自製餵藥零食喔~方法是先將混好的食物材料滾成一顆顆小球,在用鉛筆在中間挖好放藥的洞,在把它們放到冰箱冰一晚就好囉~需要食譜看這邊~

You can make your own pill pockets by using peanut butter. Recipe HERE

21. 用一個安全鉤輕鬆繫住你的狗~當你從店裡出來時,不再需要花十分鐘解開難纏的結了,你只需在牽繩上加一個安全鉤,將牽繩繞在郵筒或柱子上後勾住,出來就能瞬間解開囉!

A carabiner makes it quick and easy to secure your dog with its leash when you’re in public.

22. 在牽繩器上加上一個項圈,並把項圈套進手臂裡,這樣你兩隻手就都能自由活動啦~

Attach another collar to the handle of your leash so that you can free up both hands by putting it around your arm.

23. 不要穿的舊牛仔褲可以化身為超持久的狗狗玩具!

Old jeans can be fashioned into durable toys.


24. 如果外面真的很熱或很冷,在出門前先在狗掌塗上一些凡士林吧~這麼做能保護狗狗的腳。在散步完後,再用溫水沖洗乾淨,便能擺脫黏在表面的東西囉!

Heat and cold can both damage a dog's paws. Protect their paws from chapping and cracking in winter by applying some vaseline each time you go out. And during the summer try to walk them before 9 a.m. or after 8 p.m., when the ground is cooler.


25. 如果你的狗想出門時會抓門,那可以在門把上掛一個保護門的板子來減少門的損傷。

Use a door protector to minimize scratching and/or damage.




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