
超級英雄片叱吒電影界,不過還有一部超級反派片《自殺特攻隊》也讓人超期待!自殺特攻隊是由政府所雇用多半是罪犯的秘密小組,來執行見不得人的機密任務。而裡頭最讓人期待的,也莫過於蝙蝠俠的大反派:小丑!   在之前有消息陸續公開了各個角色的造型、還有小丑的模樣

May 19, 2015


Inked: New photos form the set of Suicide Squad reveal Jared Leto's Joker WILL have those tattoos


在之前有消息陸續公開了各個角色的造型、還有小丑的模樣,現在更有在拍片現場直擊的第一手畫面,揭露了飾演小丑的傑瑞德雷托 (Jared Leto) 還有一小段的劇情。

Sharp-dressed clown: The villain looks sharp in a silver blazer, black slacks, black shoes and burgundy button-down shirt... buttoned down so far as to reveal the body tattoos are definitely in place.



Not just a promo then: This first still released in April made fans furious or just amused at the the thought of the DC villain with such literal tattoos 



Snazzy: The images also reveal the Joker in full costume for the first time


而這片場的照片,也是粉絲們第一次見到小丑和女友哈莉·奎茵 (Harley Quinn)、也就是小丑女,同台演出。

Get a room: He gets out of his pink sports car and the two argue before suddenly kissing


小丑女是由瑪格羅比 (Margot Robbie) 所飾演,是小丑的精神醫師,而另一個自我則是反派小丑女。

Daddy's lil monster: Robbie look completely different in her full Harley Quinn regalia



Vanity: Joker's custom pink sports car bore the licence plate 'HAHAHA'


Make up your mind: After killing the man, Robbie then turns the gun on Leto


Match made in hell: The pics also show Joker and his on/off girlfriend Harley Quinn - played by Margot Robbie - on screen together for the first time


Take that! The Joker then grabs the gun before slapping Quinn to the ground


Bad style: Robbie wore tan boots, tight black jeans, a button down denim shirt and horn-rim glasses during the scene

來源:Daily Mail


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